Shortening Additive Manufacturing Design Cycles

Wesley Essink

Develop3D Live 2019
Wesley Essink

Talk Abstract:

To fully unlock the capabilities of additive manufacturing and go beyond simply light-weighting components, new methods and tools are required to harness the flexibility of additive manufacturing.

Current generative design software focuses primarily on design synthesis and does not address wider manufacturing challenges.

In response to this, Gen3D has created a new software platform. This platform has manufacturability checks at its core but also provides designers with the ability to rapidly explore design options. To showcase this new platform, a complete design of a complex hydraulic manifold will be demonstrated.

This will focus on quickly creating design alternatives using live design metrics, generating manufacturable geometry and making manual adjustments to the final design. We are developing design tools for this new software platform that allow designers to unlock the full potential of additive manufacturing.


Wesley Essink is the CTO and co-founder of Gen3D, a startup developing design software for Additive Manufacturing (AM). He has spent the past 6+ years developing novel optimization algorithms and manufacturability checks for AM processes.

He graduated with a PhD from the University of Bath and has since held various professional research roles before making the jump into entrepreneurship. Looking to the future, he and his company aim to create new software tools to help engineers fully exploit the benefits of additive manufacturing.

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