The challenges of big automation

Vipin Pillai

Ocado Engineering
Develop3D Live 2018
Vipin Pillai

Talk Title: The challenges of big automation

Ocado has gone on a journey from outsourced design for their warehouse technology to designing state-of-the-art engineering products and solutions in-house. This talk will describe the journey and some of the challenges faced. Ocado believes in working in the space of truly large scale automation. What does this mean? This means assembling a team of mechanical, electrical, design for manufacture, and safety specialists and tasking them with developing the world’s most advanced goods to person system for online grocery.

Vipin Pillai is the Design Team Manager at Ocado Engineering, a division of the Ocado Group, who design, deliver and sustain the cutting-edge engineering and construction solutions needed by the Ocado business. Vipin joined in January 2017 to grow the design team, influence the design culture, and take on the vision of the business to design leading warehouse automation technologies.
Prior to joining Ocado, Vipin completed a Master’s degree in Design from the IIT in Delhi and an MBA from Strathclyde Business School with a focus on Business Strategy Planning. Vipin has more than 25 years experience in numerous sectors including the automotive and medical industry. He has developed award-winning products including the Surgical X-ray imaging scanner, Mobile Catheterization labs, the SafeView 360 degree camera system and the 500ZE road sweeper.

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