It All Started with a Dog

Tara Anderson

3D Systems
Develop3D Live USA 2017
Tara Anderson

As product manager at 3D Systems, Tara Anderson leads product direction where she gets to influence design on a daily basis, ensuring the voice of the customer is always heard. She enjoys the fast-paced and revolutionary environment of the 3D printing industry and the opportunity to help change the world. She is also known for her innovative 3D design work for Derby the Dog and continues to be involved in fascinating cases all the time. Tara will receive her master’s degree in architecture from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston in December 2017, and writes and speaks frequently on her expertise in design in the additive manufacturing world.

Talk Title:
It All Started with a Dog

Talk Abstract:
I have been very lucky about being in the right place at the right time when it has come to my career.  Design to me is simply problem solving, with a flair.  And when you solve a problem that genuinely helps another, it fuels you to keep doing it.  Getting into 3D Printing bridges all the gaps.  It gives freedom of design, it empowers you to be able to design better, learn faster and explore more.  If you’re working with someone on their design and you see their face light up over the expression of their idea in physical form, that’s awesome, but then to see their face turn to questions …”can we bring this in?  Can we adjust this angle?” – Yes, yes you can.  That leap from excitement to exploring to do more and improve the design is awesome.  Essentially bringing anything to life, an idea, a product, an innovation, is one of the most inspiring processes to be part of….

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