3D Printing at a Crossroads: How Metal Printing at Scale Will Change the Manufacturing Landscape

Greg Mark

Develop3D Live USA 2017
Greg Mark

Greg Mark is an aerospace engineer and three-time entrepreneur. After getting a getting a B.S. and M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT, he started and sold two companies, including Aeromotions – where he designed and manufactured high-performance, computer-controlled composite race car wings.  Greg understood the challenges of manufacturing composites and in 2013 he founded Markforged, which introduced the world’s first and only new process to 3D print composite structures that include continuous carbon fiber.  As the CEO of Markforged, Greg has led the company to rapid worldwide growth.

Talk title:
3D Printing at a Crossroads: How Metal Printing at Scale Will Change the Manufacturing Landscape over the Next 5 Years

Talk Abstract:
3D printing has for many years helped speed innovation across multiple industries with prototyping and modeling. Its ability to remove inefficiencies in production line turnover, decrease costs and reduce time to market for new products are well known and understood. Still, solid investment returns from widespread adoption come when printing disrupts traditional manufacturing. Taking metal 3D printing in particular from a niche that only the largest enterprises can afford, to something scaled, accessible and low-cost has the power to literally change the world. By creating customized products and parts in a range of industries from medical to aerospace, 3D printing can solve a range of very diverse and particular industry challenges in a way never before possible.

Join Greg Mark, CEO and founder of Markforged who will share both his current perspective on the industry and stories and examples of 3D Printing’s undeniable power to improve our lives and the world we live in.

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