Develop3D Live is the UK's leading conference and exhibition celebrating design, engineering and manufacturing technology and how it brings world-leading products to market faster.

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  • See over 30 exciting, relevant and inspirational speakers for free, from designers and engineers to technologists and AM specialists.
  • Test drive the latest products and experience live technology demonstrations that can transform your workflows.
  • Discover new trends and technologies before your competition does.
  • Get expert advice on the new challenges faced by your design, engineering or manufacturing business.
  • Network with industry professionals, clients and suppliers from around the world – stay in touch using our DEVELOP3D LinkedIn Network

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About DEVELOP3D magazine

DEVELOP3D has become a part of thousands of designer’s and engineer’s daily browsing habits.

DEVELOP3D tracks the essential technologies used throughout the entire product development process, from concept development through analysis to fabrication.

Helping disseminate information about emerging technologies, the editorial assists readers with their complex software and hardware selection process. Constantly evolving, it brings together content from the print edition, web-only content, as well as up-to-date news, reviews and much much more.

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Core Topics

  • Technology use in Product Development
  • CAD
  • Computer Aided Engineering
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
  • Workstation Technology
  • Rendering and Animation
  • Reverse Engineering
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